
Magdalena Peszkowska-Bednarczyk is an artist and illustrator based in Wrocław, Poland. She creates illustrations for magazines and, in the evenings, works on her personal project called Night Illustrations.

Magdalena graduated with special recognition from the Department of Painting and Graphic Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk. She is a laureate of several graphic and painting competitions and has exhibited her works in Poland and internationally.

Selected clients:

Grupa Inwestycyjna Hossa S.A., Galerie Sandhofer Salzburg, Garnizon Magazine, Stary Maneż, Opera Bałtycka w Gdańsku, Browar Vrest, T-Mobile Nowe Horyzonty, Teatr Muzyczny Capitol Wrocław, Magazyn Wizje, Festiwal Literacki Przystanek Polska w Zurychu, Chateau Isolette France.